In English

About Kåpan

Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund manages collectively agreed occupational pensions for people who are or have been government employees. We offer a traditional pension insurance with good returns over time. Kåpan is a mutual insurance association. This means that the members own the business together.

The association manages about SEK 170 billion for more than 900,000 members. We are a small insurance company with a major and important assignment. 

Kåpan's goal is to provide a long-term, stable pension to our members. Our aim to achieve this at the lowest possible cost, at the same time as we wish to contribute to a long-term sustainable development of society. 


We have chosen to use the plant Lady’s Mantle as an illustration and symbol. Lady’s Mantle is easily recognised from its unique fan shaped leaf rosette.

Our insurances

As a government employee you have one or several insurances with us.

Read more about our insurances

Living outside Sweden

  • Keep us updated with your address.
  • You can not transfer your pensions abroad.
  • Submit an annual Life Certificate.

When you retire

When you want to withdraw your pension from us, you need to make an application.

Read more about how to apply

Our assets management

Our main goal is the creation of good long-term returns on your pension capital. We aim to do this at the lowest possible cost at the same time as we wish to contribute to a long-term sustainable development of society. 

Read more about our assets management

Contact us


+46(0)60-18 75 85




Kåpan Tjänstepension
SE-856 91 Sundsvall,